Stationary Engineering License
Liberty University
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Stationary Engineer Electric 2023 (correctly answered)
- Exam (elaborations) • 28 pages • 2023
- $13.49
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1.	An AC circuit consists only of a pure inductance and a power source. The relationship between the voltage and the current in this circuit is that the: current lags the voltage 
2.	The power factor of a load is equal to the	power divided by the	power.: True ; apparent 
3.	A 10-ohms and 20-ohms resistor are connected in parallel. The total line current drawn by this parallel combination is 30 amps. Under these condi- tions, the line voltage will be	volts.: 200 
4.	A 20-ohm resistor is connected...
Exam (elaborations) Stationary Engineering License
- Exam (elaborations) • 29 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $13.99
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Stationary Engineer local 99 CORRECT 
In a reciprocating feedwater pump, the _______________ 
A. water piston is larger than the steam piston 
B. water and steam piston are the same size 
C. steam piston is larger than the water piston 
D. steam valve has to be as large as the water valve - ANSWER C. steam piston is 
larger than the water piston 
An ignition arch is used with a(n) ________________ stoker 
A. sidefeed 
B. spreader 
C. underfeed 
D. chain grate - AN...
upStationary Grade 3 Engineering License| 283 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 87 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $13.99
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how can you loose your license? correct answer: 1) drinking on the job 
2) sleeping on the job 
3) negligence 
4) unsafe work 
5) signing a falsified license application for someone 
6) failing to renew your license annually 
what must you do if you change jobs? correct answer: notify city hall if you change jobs, address or retire 
why should you do rounds? correct answer: Find and correct problems to prevent breakdowns. keeping permanent records will make it easy to forecast most break...
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