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Tankers USCG Questions and Answers 2023 with complete solution(A+ Guaranteed)
- Exam (elaborations) • 37 pages • 2023
- $12.49
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1. # 1 - USCG 1813 
The most likely time for oil pollution while bunkering is when 
A.	final topping off is occurring 
B.	hoses are being blown down 
C.	first starting to receive fuel 
D.	hoses are disconnected and being capped: A 
2. #2 - USCG 1826 
Static electricity may be built up by the 
A.	settling of solids or water in petroleum 
B.	flow of petroleum through pipes 
C.	spraying or splashing of petroleum 
D.	All of the above: D 
3. # 3 - USCG 1829 
In order to reduce the accumulation of...

Study material for USCG AET1 SWE| 196 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 23 pages • 2023
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How are terminal lugs placed on a stud? correct answer: Largest on bottom 
What Manual is the M11000.11? correct answer: Coast Guard Civil Engineering Manual 
How many grounds can be connected to a ground terminal? correct answer: No more than 4 (NavAir 01-1A-505-1 01700 pg 4) 
PG 85-00-10 correct answer: ACMS Process Guide 
What frequency will be most absorbed by the human body? correct answer: 30-300 MHz (M10550.25A 
What Manual is the M13001.1? correct answer: USCG...

- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
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What section of CCM is BECCEs under? correct answer: 2 
What causes a boiler with fuel gun injector to pulsate? correct answer: Pressurized combustion chamber 
Who is convening authority for hull board on cutters in CG yards? correct answer: NESU 
Purpose of vane on outboard piston? correct answer: Allow cross flow 
What amount of PSI is decreased by each compression ring on a piston? correct answer: 1/2 PSI above the ring 
Outboard engine trim turns easy to port, adjust trim tab ...

- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2023
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Large cutters are under control of: correct answer: Area commands 
What is the administrative and operational command and control center for the Coast Guard? correct answer: Headquarters 
Districts are commanded by: correct answer: Rear admirals 
How many coast guard units report directly to Headquarters? correct answer: 35 
Who leads the Atlantic and Pacific Areas? correct answer: Vice admirals 
When was the department of the Navy established? correct answer: 1798 
Who was the...

USCG EPME Questions With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 14 pages • 2023
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- $11.49
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How many missions does the CG have? correct answer: 11 missions, 5 roles. 
What are the 5 roles of the CG? correct answer: Maritime Safety, Maritime Security, National Defense, Maritime Mobility, Protection of The Natural Resources. 
What is not a role of CG? correct answer: Border Patrol. 
How many missions does the CG auxiliary have? correct answer: 7. 
What used to be called the CG Standard? correct answer: The CG Flag. 
What year did the CG Standard switch to CG Flag? correct ...

USCG SWE OS2 | 343 Questions with 100% Correct Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 21 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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who grants security clearances for USCG? civilians? - SECCEN (for the USCG) 
G-CFI (for civilians) 
How often do you have to update your SF-312 - Once 
How long must break in service be to get re-investigated? - 24 months 
Spot checks on CSO accounts? - Quarterly 
Change of command 
Change of EKMS manager 
How to contact USCG over the phone in an emergency? - *CG 
What is the classification of KEK? - Secret 
Range of NAVTEX broadcast - 200NM 
What is the frequency manual? - M2400 series 
SPE mod...

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