ENME 462 Vibrations, Controls and Optimization 2 (ENME462)
University Of Maryland - College Park
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This is a collection of old homework for the course, Vibrations, Controls and Optimization 2, from 2019.

Old Homework 8 Winter 2019 - Vibrations, Controls and Optimization 2
- Other • 15 pages • 2021
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- $2.99
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This is an old homework/assignment from the course; Vibrations, Controls and Optimization 2. The topics covered in this homework include; close loop system, asymptotes, real axis intercepts, real axis intercepts, break-in points, break out points, root locus, stability, K value, zeroth row, unity feedback, control functions, Laplace domain, complex roots, RH method, compensator, control gain, characteristic equation, root locus standard form, transfer function, percent overshoot, settling time, ...

Old Homework 6 Winter 2019 - Vibrations, Controls and Optimization 2
- Other • 10 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $2.99
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This is an old homework/assignment from the course; Vibrations, Controls and Optimization 2. The topics covered in this homework include; unity feedback, equivalent unity feedback, position error constant, velocity error constant, acceleration error constant, steady-state error, system type number, close loop stability, the value of the gain K, proportional integral compensator, step error, controller gain K, zeroth law, lead compensator, and Routh Hurwitz Criterion Method

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