MATH 246 Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers (MATH246)
University Of Maryland - College Park
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Old Midterm 2 Fall 2016 - Math 246 Linear Differential Equation
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2021
- $2.99
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This is an old second midterm for the course, MATH 246, from the semester of Fall 2016. The exam covers; mass spring dampener systems, damping coefficients, time domain plots, general solution, particular solution, characteristic polynomials, chracteristic equations, homogenous equation, method of underdetermined coefficients, key identities, specific solution, varaiation of parameters, and Laplace transformation.

Midterm 3 Practice Packet - Math 246 Differential Equations
- Package deal • 2 items • 2021
- $3.48
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This bundle includes the midterm review packet and an actual exam from the semester of fall 2016. The problem sets cover the same concepts and offer the best practice problems for reviewing exam materials for the third midterm.

Midterm Three Review Packet - Math 246 Linear Differential Equation
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $2.99
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This is a review packet for midterm three for the course, MATH 246. It covers everything needed that would be included in midterm three. Topics include; eigenpairs, fundamental pair of solutions, eigenvalues, matrix form, nonlinear systems, linearization, the flow rate in tanks, Hamiltonian systems, phase portrait, particular and general solutions.

Old Midterm 3 Fall 2016 - Math 246 Linear Differential Equation
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $2.99
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This is an old midterm three from the fall 2016 semester for the course, MATH 246. The midterms cover; tank flow rates, eigenpairs, eigenvectors, eigenvalues, vector form, matrix form, initial value, general solution, particular solution, nonlinear systems, linearization, stationary solution, and phase portraits.

Old Final Exam Spring 2016 - MATH 264 Review Session
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2021
- $2.99
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This is an old final exam from spring 2016 for the course, the differential equation for scientists and engineers. It was given as practice for the finals during a review session. The topics covered include eigenvalues, eigenvectors, linearization of a system, nonlinear planar systems, stationery solutions, semi-stationary solutions, particular solutions, fundamental set of solutions, homogenous, nonhomogenous solutions, Euler's method, and phase line plots. A tank of water with a salt brine pr...

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