Minnesota School Of Business
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ACCCOB1 Accounting Principles Exam Updated And Fully Solved 2023/2024 
GAAP Answer: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The standards and rules that accountants follow while recording and reporting financial activities. It encompasses the procedures accepted in the accounting process. 
IASB Answer: International Accounting Standards Board. They actively develop and issue accounting standards that will to be followed internationally. Its purpose is to narrow down the differences in the ...
an information system that measures business activities, processes information, and communicates financial information. 
External Users 
make decisions ABOUT the entity (i.e. investors, bankers). 
Internal Users 
make decisions FOR the entity (i.e. managers). 
Financial Accounting 
focuses on the preparation of Financial Statements (often useful for those external to the firm) 
Management Accounting 
focuses on the preparation of internal reports (e.g. perform...
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The standards and rules that accountants follow while recording and reporting financial activities. It encompasses the procedures accepted in the accounting process. 
International Accounting Standards Board. They actively develop and issue accounting standards that will to be followed internationally. Its purpose is to narrow down the differences in the world when preparing a financial statement. 
Conceptual Framework of Financia...
Specific Accounting Principle 
Usually created by a pronouncement from an authoritative body 
Going-Concern Assumption 
Financial statements reflect the assumption that the business continues operating 
General Accounting Principle 
Derived from long-used and generally accepted accounting practices. 
Business Entity Assumption 
Every business is accounted for separately from its owner or owners 
Revenue Recognition Principle 
Revenue is recorded only when the earnings pro...
usually created by a pronouncement from an authoritative body 
E. Specific accounting principle 
financial statements reflect the assumption that the business generally accepted accounting practices 
G. Going-concern assumption 
Derived from long used and generally accepted accounting practices 
A. General accounting principle 
Every business is accounted for separately from its owners or owner 
C. Business entity assumption 
Revenue is recorded only when the earnings pro...
Are principles (including concepts and assumptions), which have gained international acceptance in the business world and accountancy profession. The accounting procedures, profit determination, preparation and presentation of financial statements must be in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles. 
Business Entity Concept 
Under this concept, the business is treated, as having a separate personality from the owner/s 
Example - t...
an information system that measures business activities, processes information, and communicates financial information. 
External Users 
make decisions ABOUT the entity (i.e. investors, bankers). 
Internal Users 
make decisions FOR the entity (i.e. managers). 
Financial Accounting 
focuses on the preparation of Financial Statements (often useful for those external to the firm) 
Management Accounting 
focuses on the preparation of internal reports (e.g. perform...
Materiality Principle 
An accounting principle that states that only items that are "material" or that "make a difference" should be presented in financial statements 
Historical cost principle 
An accounting principle that states that companies should record assets at their cost. 
Matching Principle 
recognize expenses in the same period as the revenues they help to generate 
Accrual Basis Accounting 
reporting income when it is earned and expenses when they are incurred 
The going concern concept 
Financial statements are prepared on the assumption that the business will continue its operations for the foreseeable future; i.e. there is no need to sell off non-current assets 
The accruals concept 
Profit is the excess of revenue over expenses, not the excess of cash received over cash paid. Income and expenditure are recognised in the accounting period to which they relate, not the period in which cash is received or paid 
The prudence concept 
The historical cost principle 
This principle requires that all assets are normally shown at cost price. It is the cost price that is used as a basis of valuation of an asset. 
The business entity principle 
This principle implies that the affairs of the business are treated as being separate from the nonbusiness activities of its owner/s. 
The dual aspect principle 
This principle states that there are two aspects to every transaction. One account is always debited and another is cr...