Minnesota State University, Moorhead
Latest uploads at Minnesota State University, Moorhead. Looking for notes at Minnesota State University, Moorhead? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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All courses for Minnesota State University, Moorhead
Latest notes & summaries Minnesota State University, Moorhead
Chapter 14 is related to psychological disorders. Notes have a well depth explanation which will be useful for you especially if you are the one who waits till end of prep duration to study.
Entry-level ANTH course taken at MSUM. Over the course of the semester we studied the basic fundamentals of what anthropology is based on. We deeply explored culture, politics, religion, and family.
Women studies 100 notes from MSUM. This is a 100-level course primarily taken by freshmen. Over the course of the semester, we studied, women, gender, LGBTQIA, toxic masculinity, reproductive rights, etc.
Need class notes for your Prenatal Development class? We go in depth, topics including evolution, hormones, heredity, fertilization, sex, abnormalities, Prenatal testing, genetics, pregnancy, complications of pregnancy, risks, abortion, childbirth, and C-Sections.
Need class notes for your Theories of Lifespan Development class? We go in depth, topic including Sigmund Freud, personality, neurosis, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, scientific approach, psychosexual development stages, erikson's theory, behaviorism, John Watson, Humanism, Carl Rogers, Hierarchy of Needs, and sociocultural theory.
Need class notes for your Death and Dying class? We go in depth, topics including causes of death, dying process, covid, emotions, perspectives of death, ceremonies and rituals, grief, bereavement, Kubler-Ross Stages of Grief, palliative care, hospice, and euthanasia.
Need class notes for your Late Adulthood class? We go in depth, topics including age, centenarians, life expectancy, sexuality, primary and secondary aging, health, memory, retirement, marriage, divorce, and remarriage.
Need class notes for Middle Adulthood? We go in depth, topics including Physiological changes, sexuality, nutrition, cognition, personality, relationships, midlife crisis, marriage, family life cycle theory, and remarriage.
Need class notes for Early Adulthood class? We go in depth, topics including sex, fertility, cognitive development, postformal thinking, Erikson's Psychosocial Theory, education, attraction, love, emerging adulthood, friendships, attachment types, parenting, marriage, and arranged marriages.
Need class notes for Adolescence class? We go into depth, topics including puberty, hormones, brain development, sexual development, eating disorders, adolescent egocentrism, David Elkind, bullying, depression, anxiety, suicide, gender, and sex. 
*This document also includes exam practice questions!*