NR 326
Rasmussen College
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Mental Health Exam 1 Chapter outlines
- Exam (elaborations) • 31 pages • 2021
- $11.99
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Week 1 day 1

Chap 2:

Mental health vs illness- all about the coping

Mental health- successful adaptation to stressors from internal. External environment evidenced by thought, feelings, and behaviors that are age appropriate and congruent with local/ cultural norms

Mental Illness- caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals that affects neurotransmitters- depending on disorder different types are affected, unhealthy way of coping becomes chronic; have to be nonfunctioning and have symptoms tp ...
Exam (elaborations)
Mental Health Exam 1 Chapter outlines
Last document update:
Week 1 day 1 
Chap 2: 
Mental health vs illness- all about the coping 
Mental health- successful adaptation to stressors from internal. External environment evidenced by thought, feelings, and behaviors that are age appropriate and congruent with local/ cultural norms 
Mental Illness- caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals that affects neurotransmitters- depending on disorder different types are affected, unhealthy way of coping becomes chronic; have to be nonfunctioning and have symptoms tp ...
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