NUR 2180 Physical Assessment ATI Pharmacology Review
Rasmussen College
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ATI Pharmacology Review-Good One!!
- Other • 13 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $7.49
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-broad spectrum 
-Similar to PCN/ don't give if PCN allergy 
-can cause bleeding w/ other bleeding meds monitor bleeding time (tonsil story) 
- Disulfiram reaction (puke & puke & puke) just like Flagyl, the protozoal drug 
- Store in fridge & take with food 
ALL antibiotics have these side effects 
- allergy, hypersensitivity 
- suprainfection 
- organ (kidney & ear) toxicity 
- lowers OC effectiveness 
- serious infections like MRSA 
- colitis by c-diff ...

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