NUR 2407 Pharmacology home quiz 1 (NUR 2407 Pharmacology home quiz 1)
Rasmussen College
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NUR 2407 Pharmacology home quiz 1
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2021
- $12.98
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NUR 2407 Pharmacology home quiz 1Pharm quiz 1 home 
1.	which of these factors might impair the absorption of an oral med? 
•	the presence of food in the stomach 
2.	a client reports that he has been swallowing his nitroglycerin instead of leaving it under his tounge. Teaching is needed. What can happen if sublingual meds are swallowed? 
•	gastric acid may inactivate the med 
3.	The nurse is wondering if advocacy for a change to oral med instead of an IV route of administration is approp...
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