NUR 2571 PN 2 Exam 2 study guide (NUR 2571 PN 2 Exam 2 study guide)
Rasmussen College
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NUR 2571 PN 2 Exam 2 Professional Nursing II
- Exam (elaborations) • 22 pages • 2021
- $17.49
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PN 2 Exam 2 study guide 
Know what the secondary stage of the inflammatory response is 
5. A client has a leg wound that is in the second stage of the inflammatory response. For what manifestation does the nurse assess? 
a. Noticeable rubor 
b. Purulent drainage 
c. Swelling and pain 
d. Warmth at the site 
1. The student nurse learns that the most important function of inflammation and immunity is which purpose? 
a. Destroying bacteria before damage occurs 
b. Preventing any entry of ...

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