NURS 6501N Week 9 Quiz Question and Answers Set 4 (NURS6501N)
Rasmussen College
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NURS 6501N Week 9 Quiz - Question and Answers - Set 4 NURS 6501 WEEK 9 Quiz with Answers 1. When insulin binds to its receptors on muscle cells, an increase in glucose uptake by the muscle cells occurs. This is an example of a _____ effect by a hormone.
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2022
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NURS 6501N Week 9 Quiz - Question and Answers - Set 4 
NURS 6501 WEEK 9 Quiz with Answers 
1. When insulin binds to its receptors on muscle cells, an increase in glucose uptake by the muscle cells occurs. This is an example of a _____ effect by a hormone. 
2. If the patient has a problem with the pineal gland, which substance would the nurse monitor? 
3. A 12-year-old male is newly diagnosed with type 1 DM. Which of the following tests should the nurse prepare the patient to best confirm the...

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