Summary NURS 6531

Walden University

Here are the best resources to pass Summary NURS 6531. Find Summary NURS 6531 study guides, notes, assignments, and much more.

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Summary NURS 6531 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE- Updated 01/2021
  • Summary NURS 6531 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE- Updated 01/2021

  • Summary • 165 pages • 2022
  • NURS 6531 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE- Updated 01/2021 1. Hydrocele Definition: smooth, tense scrotal mass. accumulation of fluid within the tunica vaginalis surrounding the testicle; it may result from a patent processus vaginalis at birth and sometimes closes spontaneously within the first 1 to 2 years of life. Hydroceles are the most common cause of painless scrotal swelling.; in adults often the result of trauma, hernia, testicular tumor, torsion, or a complication of epididymitis. If prese...
  • $7.49
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