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Latest notes & summaries Park University
MG 495 Discussion Week 4 
From Chapter Six: 
Q1 - What industry forces might cause a propitious niche to appear or disappear? 
The text describes a propitious niche as a unique market opportunity that is available only for a 
particular time (Wheelan, Hunger, Hoffman, & Bamford, 2010, p. 167). A company will create a 
niche by focusing a business at a specific customer. I found an article at F that 
discussed the benefits of a niche “rather than trying to appeal to the masses, when you narrowl...
Week 5 Assignment: Google Inc. Executive Summary 
Google Inc. is thriving and is one of the most successful internet search engines in the 
industry. Performing well in the stock market, creating an initial stock offering in 2004, that 
gained lots of attention; the stock market showed overall weakness, but Google performed 
surprisingly well. Continued innovation will be the key to continued success. 
Synopsis of the Case 
Google has been successful; leading the internet search engine industry....
Carnival Corporation & plc Executive Summary 
Carnival Corporation & plc was originally started 1972 by Ted Arison backed by 
American Travel Services Inc (AITS); together they purchased two aging ocean liners that 
needed to be refurbished, were slow, and guzzled gas. The beginning of the company was less 
than stellar, with the aging liners they were limited the ports of call and increased the minimum 
stay of passengers to break even. Continuing to lose money, Arison bought out AITS, and with...
The examination addresses the core learning outcomes of the course. The exam is completed during Unit 
7. There will be 8 essay/short answer questions from Chapter 7 - 11 on the exam; however, you only 
have two (2) hours to take the exam, so please plan accordingly. The exam is open book and open notes. 
Each question on the exam is worth 25 points. Total points for the exam are 200. 
Attempt History 
Attempt Time Score 
LATEST Attempt 1 107 minutes 200 out of 200 
Score for this ...
Score for this quiz: 190 out of 200 
Submitted Nov 11 at 2:20pm 
This attempt took 97 minutes. 
Question 1 
5 / 5 pts 
Research suggests that strategic management evolves through four sequential phases in 
corporations. The first phase is 
forecast-based planning. 
externally oriented planning. 
strategic management. 
internally oriented planning. 
basic financial planning. 
Question 2 
5 / 5 pts 
In the final phase of strategic management, strategic information is available to 
Week 4 Assignment: A123 Systems Executive Summary 
A123 Systems Company, founded in 2001. In 2005, they developed a new highpowered, faster-charging lithium-ion battery system. The system has one of the best energy-toweight ratios on the market and have a slow loss of charge when not in use. A123 Systems 
presently have 19 patents, and are in the process of applying for 77 more. The company has seen 
increasing absolute revenues between 2007 and 2010. The company is successful but the future 
A Live Case Analysis 
A. Executive summary 
This paper explains the present status of the business and its activities, with the help of an article 
“Belfast-based Global Email Company Limited - gem - to Provide Customer Service Support for 
A's Worldwide Customer Base.” The main purpose behind the selection of 
A is that, it is the leading company in the e-commerce industry and it has faced many 
variations in its growing period. A is a United States based company which does 
business throu...
Question 1 
Not yet graded / 25 pts 
Discuss the two basic growth strategies. 
Your Answer: 
Growth strategies are the most widely pursued corporate directional strategies because they are 
designed to increase sales, profits, assets, or a combination of all three. Two basic growth strategies 
include CONCENTRATION growth and DIVERSIFICATION growth. 
Concentration includes vertical and horizontal growth. 
Vertical Growth - can be achieved by taking over a function previously provided by a suppli...
MG 495 Discussion Week 4 
From Chapter Six: 
Q1 - What industry forces might cause a propitious niche to appear or disappear? 
The text describes a propitious niche as a unique market opportunity that is available only for a 
particular time (Wheelan, Hunger, Hoffman, & Bamford, 2010, p. 167). A company will create a 
niche by focusing a business at a specific customer. I found an article at F that 
discussed the benefits of a niche “rather than trying to appeal to the ma...
Research suggests that strategic management evolves through four sequential phases in 
corporations. The first phase is 
forecast-based planning. 
externally oriented planning. 
strategic management. 
internally oriented planning. 
basic financial planning. 
Question 2 
5 / 5 pts 
In the final phase of strategic management, strategic information is available to 
operational personnel. 
people throughout the organization