Discovry Saint Louis University CSCI 1080
St Louis Community College - Wildwood Campus
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testBankDiscovry Saint Louis University CSCI 1080
- Exam (elaborations) • 251 pages • 2023
- $14.49
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1. The mouse controls the movement of a symbol on the screen called a(n) . 
1 (a) icon 
2 (b) pointer 
3 (c) kiosk 
4 (d) chip 
Correct Answer: 2 
Page: DC2002 5 Graphic: 
2. Computer hardware includes all of the following except . 
1 (a) input and output devices 
2 (b) a system unit 
3 (c) storage and communications devices 
4 (d) application programs 
Correct Answer: 4 
Page: DC2002 5 Graphic: 
3. All of the following are commonly used output devices except . 
1 (a) a keyboard ...

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