Us Army
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Latest notes & summaries Us Army
What are the responsibilities of the Explosives Safety (ES) office? 
-Implementing and enforcing the Naval Explosives Safety Policy and regulations 
-Reporting the status of an emergency to the commanding officer 
-Keeping site maps up to date 
What is the correct order of the five steps in the Operational Risk Management (ORM) process? 
Identify the hazards, assess the hazards, make risk decisions, implement control, and supervise. 
In what class is a mishap that caused over $2,000,...
AMMO 49 study guide with 100% correct answers
Ammo 49 2023 oct exam questions with 100% correct answers.
On Sept 11, 2001, al Qaeda terrorists hijacked four airliners and flew them into the world trade centers, the pentagon and remote field in Pennsylvania injuring 6,000 and killing 2,996 people. Which US President declared a global war on terrorism? 
President George W. Bush 
List the four terrorists attack of 11 Sept 2001? 
1. American Airlines Flight 11- Crashed @ 0846 at World trade center, North Tower. 
2. United Airlines Flight 175- Crashed @ 0903 at World trade center, South Tower 
3. ...
Since combined commands are binational or multinational, to what must their missions and responsibilities (including command responsibilities) establish, assign, and conform? 
Binational and Multinational agreements 
Normally, under what terms does a combined command operate? 
Terms of a treaty, alliance, or bilateral agreement between or among the nations concerned. 
What type of commands are North American Aerospace Defense Command, Combined Forces Command Korea, and Allied Command...
The Korean War 
changed US participation in war by redefining the term 
"victory" and being fought in the midst of a technological 
In December 1925, who proposed an independent, unified air force plus a department of defense to coordinate the three armed services? 
The House Lampert Committee 
The fruitless campaign against Pancho Villa (the Punitive Expedition) was recalled after _____ months. 
11 months 
To date, how many enlisted members have been awarded the ...
Army, Navy (including the Marine Corps and in wartime, the Coast Guard) and the Air Force. 
What services make up the military departments? 
Key West Agreement of 1948. 
The SecDef and the Joint Chiefs of Staff established the genreal and specific functions (roles and missions) of each branch of the U.S Armed Forces according to what agreement? 
-Support and defend the U.S Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. 
-Ensure, by timely and effective military action, the s...