BSOP 429
Devry University
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BSOP 429 Week 8 Final Exam (Version 1) | 100% CORRECT SOLUTIONS.
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2021
- $10.99
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Page 1 (TCO 4) The priority rule, which will sequence jobs in the order they are received, is _____. (TCO 2) In an assignment method problem, if it takes Abe 3 hours to build a birdhouse and 4 ho urs for a doghouse, and Betty takes 4 hours for a birdhouse and 3 hours for a doghouse, what is the reduced cost (in hours) of assigning Betty to build the doghouse? (TCO 2) A major difference between manufacturing and service systems in terms of scheduling is (TCO 3) Scheduling in service systems may i...

Exam (elaborations) BSOP 429
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2021
- $13.49
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1. (TCO 12) is the objective under JIT and time-based competition. (Points : 5) WIP reduction Material velocity Lead-time reduction Decreasing material wait time 2. (TCO 2) Which of the following lead-time elements can be compressed into one well-designed PAC system? (Points : 5) Run, move, and queue Move and queue Run and setup Move and setup 3. (TCO 3) What happens to inventory as the number of kanban cards increases? (Points : 5) Inventory decreases Inventory increases Inventory rema...

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