CLA 2260 (CLA2260)
Elon University
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The Story of Ancient Greece 
 Dr. Tedd Wimperis
These notes are about Alcibiades and Athenian Greek home life during Ancient Greek times. 
Professor Dr. Tedd Wimperis, CLA 2260
Religion and Cosmology in Ancient Greece 
Dr. Tedd Wimperis
Sparta and Spartans Culture in Ancient Greece 
Dr. Tedd Wimperis
Greek Warfare during Ancient Greece- weapons used and different tactics 
Dr. Tedd Wimperis
Greeks and Others 
Dr. Tedd Wimperis

Athenian Culture in Ancient Greece
- Class notes • 3 pages • 2022
- $7.19
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These notes are about Athens and the culture of Athens during Ancient Greece. Athens was one of the most powerful cities, politically and militarily, and one of the most flourishing and influential culturally in the Greek world. Notes will also talk about Pericles and Thucydides, and their influence on Athenian culture and government. Professor: Dr. Tedd Wimperis. CLA2260

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