ECON 423 (ECON 423)
University Of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
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Movie Paper_Inside Job
- Essay • 2 pages • 2021
- $2.99
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These documents are my own work of the Essays, Papers, Reports, Presentation Materials and Use-Case Analyses I was assigned from UNC-CH's Bachelor's degree program called Economics. Anyone can use them as examples of what they expect from the courses and their assignments. All of my work uploaded received A- and above.
Movie Paper_Margin Call
- Essay • 1 pages • 2021
- $2.99
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These documents are my own work of the Essays, Papers, Reports, Presentation Materials and Use-Case Analyses I was assigned from UNC-CH's Bachelor's degree program called Economics. Anyone can use them as examples of what they expect from the courses and their assignments. All of my work uploaded received A- and above.
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