WCM 510 (WCM 510)
Southern New Hampshire University
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WCM 510 Negotiation/Advocacy
- Summary • 8 pages • 2021
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WCM 510 Negotiation/Advocacy Final Project Rubric
Southern New Hampshire University > WCM 510 > 8-1 Assignment: Negotiation Tactics And Strategies > 2019 Assignment help guide > 100% Graded.
- Essay • 5 pages • 2019
- $3.49
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•	This assignment will help you draft Subsections B and C of Section V: Negotiation Tactics and Strategies of the final project, which is due in Module Ten. In your submission, address all of the following critical elements:
1.	Define the contrast principle, its value in the negotiation setting, and how it can contribute to a win-win outcome.
2.	Using the contrast principle, outline two potential negotiating tactics that you would recommend Sharon Slade use in the negotiation meeting with Alic...
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