Patient Introduction (NURS152)

Mercer County Community College

Here are the best resources to pass Patient Introduction (NURS152). Find Patient Introduction (NURS152) study guides, notes, assignments, and much more.

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NURS 152 Patient Introduction Christopher Parrish - Mercer Community | Christopher Parrish College
  • NURS 152 Patient Introduction Christopher Parrish - Mercer Community | Christopher Parrish College

  • Summary • 3 pages • 2021
  • Available in package deal
  • Christopher Parrish Patient Introduction Christopher Parrish Location: Medical-Surgical Unit 2315 Report from day shift nurse: Situation: Christopher Parrish is an 18-year-old male who was admitted at 1900 today. His mother visited him at his college dormitory and was very concerned with his health; he seemed weak and had lost weight since she last saw him. She took him to see his primary care provider, and the provider admitted him and has ordered a tube feeding. I placed an 8-Fr, 42-...
  • Academiks
  • $5.49
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