AHIST 1401 Art History Term 4, 2018 2019 SACRED PLACES
Princeton University
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AHIST 1401 Art History - Term 4, 2018-2019 : Sacred Spaces
- Class notes • 29 pages • 2021
- $9.49
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The place I chose to describe for this task is a church. In particular, a church in my city, 
Reggio Calabria. 
In 1908 there was a very strong earthquake here, which destroyed most of the buildings 
of the time. 
They were rebuilt with anti-seismic systems, but we lost a lot of history along with the 
buildings and lives of people in that terrible earthquake. 
However, some buildings remained standing. One of these is the church of Pepe (or 
Krèsiê Pipi ) also called Church of the Madonna of ...
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