Intro To Supply Chain Management (INTR SUPPLY CHAIN 33:799:301)
Rutgers University - New Brunswick/Piscataway
Here are the best resources to pass Intro To Supply Chain Management (INTR SUPPLY CHAIN 33:799:301). Find Intro To Supply Chain Management (INTR SUPPLY CHAIN 33:799:301) study guides, notes, assignments, and much more.
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Class notes Intro To Supply Chain Management (INTR SUPPLY CHAIN 33:799:301) Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management, ISBN: 9781524995737
- Class notes • 1 pages • 2021
- $7.39
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These are my detailed, meticulously made lecture notes which helped me secure an 'A' letter grade in the class and understand the material really well. They are very clear and easy to interpret and like a perfect study guide to excel in the exam and build a good knowledge base in this course.

It is a very good supplement to the lectures and it will help you retain what you're learning and understand much better than without these notes I've made them very carefully and I've spent hours co...
Class notes
Class notes Intro To Supply Chain Management (INTR SUPPLY CHAIN 33:799:301) Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management, ISBN: 9781524995737
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These are my detailed, meticulously made lecture notes which helped me secure an 'A' letter grade in the class and understand the material really well. They are very clear and easy to interpret and like a perfect study guide to excel in the exam and build a good knowledge base in this course. 
It is a very good supplement to the lectures and it will help you retain what you're learning and understand much better than without these notes I've made them very carefully and I've spent hours co...
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How much did you already spend on Stuvia? Imagine there are plenty more of you out there paying for study notes, but this time YOU are the seller. Ka-ching! Discover all about earning on Stuvia