ITP 100
North Valley Academy
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Northern Virginia Community College - ITP 100ITP 100 homework 4_ Abdelhamid Daoud. Course ITP 100 Institution Northern Virginia Community College Daoud Abdelhamid Professor: Susan Blackburn Class: ITP 100 Module 2-chapter 4 homework 1. Write pseudocode to
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
- $9.49
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Northern Virginia Community College - ITP 100ITP 100 homework 4_ Abdelhamid Daoud. 
ITP 100 
Northern Virginia Community College 
Daoud Abdelhamid Professor: Susan Blackburn Class: ITP 100 Module 2-chapter 4 homework 1. Write pseudocode to calculate the weekly pay for employees. The user will be prompted to enter the number of h ours worked and their job code. Hours in excess of 40 are paid at 1.5 times the hourly pay. Job code hourly rates are: P - $10, Q - $12.50, R - $15....
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