Roseman University Of Health Sciences
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Latest notes & summaries Roseman University Of Health Sciences
Summarizing a Complex Text (R.1.1) 
The passage contains the TOPIC (or subject) and the CONTROLLING IDEA (or supporting details) 
● The topic is a noun or noun phrase that encapsulates the subject matter of the writing 
○ Examples of topics include: arteries, acid, alleles, mammals, and recycling 
● The author will include supporting details that show and support the point the author is 
trying to make 
Key Terms 
Controlling Idea - The main idea of the text 
Key Ideas - Ideas that support...
RN Proctored Comprehensive 2019 FORM B.180 Q&A
Part I: Recognizing RELEVANT Clinical Data 
History of Present Problem: 
Mandy Gray is a two-month-old infant born with a large ventricular septal defect (VSD) that was diagnosed by her pediatrician during her two-week infant check-up. The parents called her pediatric cardiology clinic because Mandy was breathing faster and showed signs of increased work of breathing. Her mother states that she is having difficulty nursing because she tires easily and then becomes fussy and cries because she is ...
Dosage Calculations, IV Medications, Blood Transfusions, and Parenteral Nutrition 
Therapy......:Dosage Calculations (PowerPoint) 
 IV Solutions 
 Provides rapid therapeutic effect 
 Can lead to immediate serious reactions 
 Isotonic: parenteral solution within osmolarity of 270-300 mOsm/L. 
 When infused, fluid d/n move into or out of body cells. Pt is at risk for fluid overload. 
 Hypertonic: fluids greater than 300 (parenteral nutrition is this) 
 Used to correct fluid an...

Preparing for the Test of Essential Academic Skills/TEAS TEAS Overview Consists of 170 questions 150 questions scored 20 questions experimental (unscored) Covers the following topics: Math (34 questions) Science (54 questions) Reading (48 questions) English and Language Usage (34 questions)
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 51 pages's •
Preparing for the Test of Essential Academic Skills/TEAS TEAS Overview Consists of 170 questions 150 questions scored 20 questions experimental (unscored) Covers the following topics: Math (34 questions) Science (54 questions) Reading (48 questions) English and Language Usage (34 questions)
TEAS Test Study Guide with Practice Questions, 2024/25-1.	If Lynn can type a page in p minutes, what piece of the page can she do in 5 minutes? 
A.	5/p 
B.	p 5 
C.	p + 5 
D.	p/5 
E. 1 p + 5 
2.	If Sally can paint a house in 4 hours, and John can paint the same house in 6 hour, how long will it take for both of them to paint the house together? 
A.	2 hours and 24 minutes 
B.	3 hours and 12 minutes 
C.	3 hours and 44 minutes 
D.	4 hours and 10 minutes 
E.	4 hours and 33 minutes 
3.	Em...
Preparing for the Test of Essential Academic Skills/TEAS TEAS Overview Consists of 170 questions 150 questions scored 20 questions experimental (unscored) Covers the following topics: Math (34 questions) Science (54 questions) Reading (48 questions) English and Language Usage (34 questions)
Preparing for the Test of Essential Academic Skills/TEAS TEAS Overview Consists of 170 questions 150 questions scored 20 questions experimental (unscored) Covers the following topics: Math (34 questi ons) Science (54 questions) Reading (48 questions) English and Language Usage (34 questions) Show Less
S.1.1 Describe the general anatomy and physiology of a human. 
S.1.2. Describe the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory 
S.1.3 Describe the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular 
S.1.4 Describe the anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal 
S.1.5 Describe the anatomy and physiology of the neuromuscular 
S.1.6 Describe the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive 
S.1.7 Describe the ...
Appendictis/Appendectomy u folding reasoning > John Washington/Appendictis/Appendectomy u folding reasoning > John Washington/Appendictis/Appendectomy u folding reasoning > John Washington/Appendictis/Appendectomy u folding reasoning > John Washington/Appendictis/Appendectomy u folding reasoning > John Washington/Appendictis/Appendectomy u folding reasoning > John Washington