Test Bank for Fundamental Concepts Skills for Nursing 4th Edition
Brooklyn College
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Test Bank for Fundamental Concepts & Skills for Nursing 4th Edition by DeWit.
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2021
- $10.49
- + learn more
Test-Bank-for-Fundamental-Concepts-Skills-for-Nursing-4th-Edition. Nursing and the Health Care System 
1. Florence Nightingale’s contributions to nursing practice and education: 
a. are historically important but have no validity for nursing today. 
b. were neither recognized nor appreciated in her own time. 
c. were a major factor in reducing the death rate in the Crimean War. 
d. were limited only to the care of severe traumatic wounds. 
2. Early nursing education and care in the United Stat...

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