BUS 526 Assignment 3 Negotiating for Your Employer
Columbia University
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BUS 526 Assignment 3 Negotiating for Your Employer
- Case • 7 pages • 2021
- $12.49
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J&T Technical Incorporated is a technology company that services the needs of the health industry in the United States, and there are several locations across the nations. As of recently, they have decided it would be a good idea to merge with an up and coming company in India that offers similar services. The possibility of this merger will help to take J&T Technical to the level of an international business. In doing, J&T has put a team together to help develop and execute a negation strategy.
BUS 526 Assignment 3 Negotiating for Your Employer
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J&T Technical Incorporated is a technology company that services the needs of the health industry in the United States, and there are several locations across the nations. As of recently, they have decided it would be a good idea to merge with an up and coming company in India that offers similar services. The possibility of this merger will help to take J&T Technical to the level of an international business. In doing, J&T has put a team together to help develop and execute a negation strategy.
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