BUS 526 Assignment 4 Negotiation Process
Columbia University
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BUS 526 Assignment 4 Negotiation Process
- Case • 7 pages • 2021
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Negotiation Process

	There are several dynamics in the negotiation, however, being prepared, the structure of the negotiation, the BATNA and WATNA, willingness to walk away, and learning from your experience are important during the house buying process. First, preparation is probably the most important step in the process. There are many things that can be completed before contacting a realtor, and to help keep the pressure down it’s best to get as much done as possible. Negotiators who are ...
BUS 526 Assignment 4 Negotiation Process
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Negotiation Process 
	There are several dynamics in the negotiation, however, being prepared, the structure of the negotiation, the BATNA and WATNA, willingness to walk away, and learning from your experience are important during the house buying process. First, preparation is probably the most important step in the process. There are many things that can be completed before contacting a realtor, and to help keep the pressure down it’s best to get as much done as possible. Negotiators who are ...
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