World Culture (HUM111)
Columbia University
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HUM 1104 World Culture 1 Milestone 2 {2002} – Graded A | HUM1104 World Culture 1 Milestone 2 {2002} – Columbia College
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
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HUM 1104 World Culture 1 Milestone 2 {2002} – Columbia College 
Which of the following characteristics describe the Sumerian Ziggurat as a devotional object? 
Holy mountain, gods dwell above humans 
Which of the following best describes this sculpture? 
•	Includes the subject's physical imperfections 
•	Which of the following statements best defines "circumambulation?" 
An act of circling around a sacred object 
A circular disk on top of the dome of a...
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