ENTR 510

Devry College

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ENTR 510 Week 5 Midterm Paper → Case Study – P’Kolino (Already GRADED A)
  • ENTR 510 Week 5 Midterm Paper → Case Study – P’Kolino (Already GRADED A)

  • Case • 6 pages • 2022
  • Available in package deal
  • P’kolino Co-founders Attributes: The hypothesized list of attributes are as follows: How did these attributes help them succeed? Business Plan: Does the business plan tell a coherent and co mpelling story? Does the plan capture all the learning that Antonio and JB have accumulated? What are the three strongest aspects of the plan? What three areas need improvements? Explain why you chose the improvements that you chose and what you think will be the result if the improvements you recommend are...
  • ProfGoodlucK
  • $10.99
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