Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition
Fordham University
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Test Bank Altered Immune Responses and Transplantation : Medical-Surgical Nursing
- Package deal • 6 items • 2021
- $42.49
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Test Bank Altered Immune Responses and Transplantation : Medical-Surgical Nursing
 Covering the full topic
Altered Immune Responses and Transplantation : Test Bank Medical-Surgical Nursing
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $13.49
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Which patient should the nurse assess first? 
a. Patient with urticaria after receiving an IV antibiotic 
b. Patient who is sneezing after subcutaneous immunotherapy 
c. Patient who has graft-versus-host disease and severe diarrhea 
d. Patient with multiple chemical sensitivities who has muscle stiffness 
Sneezing after subcutaneous immunotherapy may indicate impending anaphylaxis and 
assessment and emergency measures should be initiated. The other patients also have 
findings that need ass...
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