Queensborough Community College
Latest uploads at Queensborough Community College. Looking for notes at Queensborough Community College? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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All courses for Queensborough Community College
Latest notes & summaries Queensborough Community College
Lab #8: Saponification of an Ester
Lab 3: Synthesis of 2,4-dinitrophenylaniline
This is the end of unit #1 home work.
Simplified lab notes for the anatomy of the eye and ear. Includes drawings and proper labeling to help understand/visualize the concept.
Lab #2: Nitration of Acetanilide.
Simplified lab notes on the digestive system. Includes drawing and proper labeling to help you understand/visualize the concepts and get a better understanding.
Simplified version on the the development of the brain with drawings to help understand/visualize the concept better.