St. John Fisher College
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Study guide with all topics that are covered and tested on for exam 3.
This is a comprehensive study guide of all topics tested on materials for exam 1
this document asks you to identify and label all of the axial Skelton bones.
asks you to identify the lobes of the brain and the identifiable fissures, along with all the cranial nerves their jobs and their roman numeral. has an answer key.
this is a review sheet for the appendicular skeleton, asks you to identify all the bones.
this review sheet closely follow my notes on whole muscle. the review sheet asks about isometric and isotonic contraction and the different types of muscle twitch's. also asks you about the different ways your muscle makes ATP and why/when. it also ask about the velocity and duration of contraction and how that can be predicted. has an answer key.
this review sheet asks you to identify the different body structures, and the anatomical positions, along with the body cavities.
this review sheet closely follows my notes, it ask you to explain how a bone grows. define each type of bone you have, how the bones is grown and the short, irregular, long and flat bones how they grow. it also asks you to identify the cell types found in bones and what they do. it also asks you to label the red bone marrow, yellow bone marrow, compact spongy bone and the different sections of a long bone. has an answer key.
this review sheet closely follows my cells and tissue notes. asks you to label the structure in the cell, hypotonic, isotonic, and hypertonic solution. it also asks about the different types of cell membrane. it asks you to define all the terms in this unit. the different types of proteins and what makes up the cell membrane, has an answer key.
this review sheet follows my notes of the CNS. it asks you to label and identify the meninges of the brain and the different lobes. it also asks you about the different lobes of the brain and describe what happens in each lobe. it also asks you explain the ventricular system and what its job and the flow of CSF. it also asks you to define the terminology in this unit.