BUS 101
Suny Broome Community College
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Economics terms [WELL ELABORATED]
- Other • 164 pages • 2021
- $7.49
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Economics is the study of how a society employs its limited resources to pro- duce goods and services and how it distributes them among competing groups and


Macroeconomics studies the operation of a nation's economy as a whole.

Microeconomics looks at the behavior of individual people and organizations in

specific markets.

Resource development - study of how to increase the amount of available re- sources and create conditions that will make better use of these resources.

Economics terms [WELL ELABORATED]
Last document update:
Economics is the study of how a society employs its limited resources to pro- duce goods and services and how it distributes them among competing groups and 
Macroeconomics studies the operation of a nation's economy as a whole. 
Microeconomics looks at the behavior of individual people and organizations in 
specific markets. 
Resource development - study of how to increase the amount of available re- sources and create conditions that will make better use of these resources. 
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