Microbiology Fundamentals A Clinical Approach,4e (BIO211)
Suny Broome Community College
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Test Bank - Microbiology Fundamentals-A Clinical Approach, 4th Edition (Cowan, 2023), Chapter 1-22 | All Chapters
- Exam (elaborations) • 800 pages • 2023
- $25.00
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The major groups of microorganisms studied by microbiologists include . 
A) bacteria 
B) plants 
C) helminths 
D) algae 
E) fungi 
F) viruses 
G) archaea 
H) protozoa 
2) Select all answers that are roles played by microorganisms in our environment. 
A) Carry out photosynthesis 
B) Biological decomposition 
C) Nutrient recycling 
D) Complex relationships with animals but not plants 
3) Select statements that apply to the theory of evolution to test your understanding of 
A) Has under...
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