Wagner College
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PAEA: End of Rotation Exams
- Package deal • 6 items • 2018
- $15.49
- 9x sold
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Are you a PA/medical student starting clinical rotations? Are you nervous about taking your end of rotation exams? Look no further! Provided are notes on Emergency Medicine, OB/GYN, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine and Surgery geared specifically towards the PAEA objectives list.
End of Rotation: Psychiatry
- Study guide • 17 pages • 2018
- Available in package deal
- $3.99
- 4x sold
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Are you a PA/medical student starting clinical rotations? Are you nervous about taking your end of rotation exams? Look no further! Provided are notes on Psychiatry geared specifically towards the PAEA objectives list. Topics covered include depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, paraphilic disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders, personality disorders, substance related disorders, somatic symptom disorders, and disruptive/impulsive/conduct disorders.
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How much did you already spend on Stuvia? Imagine there are plenty more of you out there paying for study notes, but this time YOU are the seller. Ka-ching! Discover all about earning on Stuvia