GOVT 407
Ashford University
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GOVT 407 Exam 1-2
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2022
- $8.49
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GOVT Exam 1-2 
 Question 1 
4 out of 4 points 
The Federalist Papers were written by 
Selected Answer: "Madison, Hamilton, and Jay." 
Answers: "Washington, Adams, and Jefferson." 
"Franklin, Washington, and Lee." 
"Jefferson, Locke, and Montewquieu." 
"Madison, Hamilton, and Jay." 
 Question 2 
4 out of 4 points 
The words of the Declaration of Independence reflected 
Selected Answer: Locke's philosophy of inalienable rights. 
Answers: Aristotle's conception of democra...

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