PHI 445 Ethics / PHI445 Sophia : Final Milestone (PHI445)
Ashford University
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Ashford University PHI445 Sophia / PHI 445 Ethics : Final Milestone (answered) Score; Score 22/25
- Exam (elaborations) • 14 pages • 2021
- $18.49
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Ashford University PHI445 Sophia / PHI 445 Ethics : Final Milestone (answered) Score; Score 22/25 
PHI445 Sophia: Final Milestone_ Fall 2021 
possible consequences 
moral law 
Select the statement that reveals upbringing as a source of bias in ethical evaluation. 
I scold a student for allowing his parents to help with an assignment, but I help my own child when I believe the work is too hard for her. 
I never talk back to the teacher because, ...

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