MED SURG 245 NCLEX Study Guide (NURS100)
Chamberlain School Of Nursing
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MED SURG 245 {37 Page} Revised NCLEX Study Guide
- Class notes • 74 pages • 2021
- $8.49
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MED SURG 245 {37 Page} Revised NCLEX Study Guide 
1.	Give meds either 1 hour before meal or 2 hours after meal 
2.	Give antacids 1 hour before med or 4 hours after med-after meals 
3.	When in doubt pick K (potassium) 
4.	2 – 3 L of fluids 
5.	When in doubt pick answer that has you stay with patient 
6.	Anytime you see restless & ↓ level of consciousness = early sign always pick 
7.	Head of Bead → 30-45 degrees for any neuro patient 
8.	Elderly with acute onset confusion → UTI 
9.	Secreti...

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