NR 304 (NR304)
Chamberlain School Of Nursing
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Comprehensive study guides, Mid term Exams, Quizzes and Final Exams all with verified answers

NR 304 Exam 3 Study Guide
- Summary • 18 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $12.49
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NR 304 Exam 3 Study Guide 
Breast and Axillae 
Structure and Function 
-Purpose: production of milk and sexual pleasure 
-Cooper’s Ligaments: “coopers droppers” breast stretch as you age (ligaments lengthen 
and stretch) 
-Four quadrants of the breast (face of clock) 
-Tail of spence: up by the axillary, check for lumps 
-Where breast cancer is usually found 
-Palpate all the lymph nodes 
-Central (axillary) 
-Pectoral (anterior) 
-Subscapular (posterior) 
-Lateral (brachial) 
Breast Histo...

NR-304 Health Assessment II FINAL EXAM REVIEW
- Summary • 6 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $7.49
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NR-304 Health Assessment II FINAL EXAM REVIEW 
What you need to know for Health Assessment final exam 
1. If a patient is suffering from urine retention, what condition is that a symptom for? 
- common in men due to bladder outlet obstruction such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) 
2. Which of the following group would be at most risk of getting a Pap smear? 
o African American women would have not had the HPV vaccine. Pap testing should begin at 21 years. 
3. Know the chart that has differe...

NR-304-Study Guide-Exam
- Summary • 23 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $13.49
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NR-304-Study Guide-Exam 
There is an increased pulse rate with fever 
 Lymphatic system 
o At birth it is well developed 
o Grows rapidly until 10 to 11 years of age 
o Lymph nodes are relatively large and often palpable 
Pregnant (BP changes throughout, varicosities) 
 Need to monitor blood pressure throughout pregnancy 
o Vasodiation due to hormone change 
o There is hyotension during the third trimester 
o Preeclampsia may result in hypertension 
 Preeclampsia is when a pregnant wom...

NR 304 Exam 3 Study Guide
- Summary • 18 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $12.49
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NR 304 Exam 3 Study Guide 
Exam 3 Study Guide 
Breast and Axillae 
Structure and Function 
-Purpose: production of milk and sexual pleasure 
-Cooper’s Ligaments: “coopers droppers” breast stretch as you age (ligaments lengthen 
and stretch) 
-Four quadrants of the breast (face of clock) 
-Tail of spence: up by the axillary, check for lumps 
-Where breast cancer is usually found 
-Palpate all the lymph nodes 
-Central (axillary) 
-Pectoral (anterior) 
-Subscapular (posterior) 
-Lateral (bra...
Nr 304 week 1 Nov Chapter 20 Peripheral Vascular System and Lymphatic

NR 304 Final Worksheet,GRADED A.
- Exam (elaborations) • 14 pages • 2021
- $20.49
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Define subjective and objective data. Give three examples of each and state if the findings are documented in the history or physical examination findings. • Subjective Data what the person says about himself or herself during the physical examination; symptom is a subjective sensations that the person is feeling; o Examples: itching, pain, feelings of worry, nausea, depression, fatigue, anxiety, loneliness, etc. • Objective Data what the you as the health professional observe by inspe...

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