NUR 100 (Pharmacology)
Fortis College Of Nursing
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fortis college pharmacology notes
this is a medication paper focusing on opioids. this was used for the second exam in pharmacology
NUR 100 Pharmacology Packet-100% verified-2023-2024

NUR 100 Pharmacology Study Guide- Fortis College
- Exam (elaborations) • 41 pages • 2021
- $13.49
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ethany Gerena Pharmacology study guide Chapter 1 The Nursing Process and Drug Therapy 14.Identify the “nine rights” of drug administration and specify ways to ensure that each of these rights is addressed. Right drug: Compare drug orders and medication labels. Consider whether the drug is appropriate for that patient. Obtain information about the patient’s medical history and a thorough, updated medication history, including over-the-counter medications taken. Right dose: Check th...

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