NUR265 test 2 Notes/AdvMedSurge Test 2 (NUR265)
Galen College Of Nursing
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NUR265 test 2 Notes/AdvMedSurge Test 2 (NUR265)
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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AdvMedSurge Test 2 
Assess patients at risk for PE for the symptom cluster of distended neck veins, syncope, cyanosis, & hypotension. If 
this cluster is present, notify the Rapid Response Team. 
It is important to remember that many patients with PE do not have the ‘classic’ manifestations but instead 
have vague symptoms resembling the flu, such as N/V, & general malaise. 
Classic Symptoms Signs 
*dyspnea, sudden onset *tachypnea 
*sharp, stabbing chest pain *crackles 
*apprehension, restl...

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