Southwestern College
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Study Guides for OB Quizzes 
Quiz 1 
1. Review case study on “ Antepartum” 
Susie is a 26 year old married female seeing the nurse practitioner to confirm a positive home 
pregnancy test. Susie works full time as a secretary. She had an​ abortion 10 years ago. ​She expresses 
ambivalence about the pregnancy ​, stating “I’m really​ scared. ​We had agreed to wait another year until 
we had a down payment for a house.” She ​complains of tender breasts and intermitten...
ATI MED SURG 1: Safety and Infection Control [2/4] - Bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic infections: isolation precautions for client who has influenza 1. A nurse is caring for a client who has Haemophilus influenza type B. Which of the following types of isolation should the nurse implement? a. Airborne b. Droplet c. Contact d. Protective - Seizures and Epilepsy: priority interventions for a client experiencing a seizure Tonic clonic: May be preceded by aura. 3 phases: Tonic epi...
Safety and Infection Control [2/4] 
-	Bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic infections: isolation precautions for client who has influenza 
1.	A nurse is caring for a client who has Haemophilus influenza type B. Which of the following types of isolation should the nurse implement? 
a.	Airborne 
b.	Droplet 
c.	Contact 
d.	Protective 
-	Seizures and Epilepsy: priority interventions for a client experiencing a seizure 
	Tonic clonic: May be preceded by aura. 
	3 pha...
Med Surg 1, 2 & Comprehensive Rationales 
Med Surg 1A Topics 
1.	Cushing’s Syndrome (2 questions) → hypersecretion of ACTH (hormone that allows body to react to stress) 
●	Signs & Symptoms → fatigue, muscle weakness, weight gain, thinning extremities, thin & fragile skin, moon face & ruddy complexion, hirsutism, truncal obesity, broad purple striae, bruising, impaired wound healing, increased blood pressure & sodium, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, buffalo hump, DM 
●	Treatment →...
ADN 113 - Study Guides for OB Quizzes/ADN 113 - Study Guides for OB Quizzes.
1. Review case study on “ Antepartum”
Susie is a 26 year old married female seeing the nurse practitioner to confirm a positive home
pregnancy test. Susie works full time as a secretary. She had an abortion 10 years ago. She expresses
ambivalence about the pregnancy , stating “I’m really scared. We had agreed to wait another year until
we had a down payment for a house.” She complains of tender breast...
Achieved overall highest grade in elementary statistics class (103.1%). Achieved 100% on all homework and quizzes pertaining to Chapter 5. Notes from eText of MyLab Statistics with Pearson Education. Concise, but detailed notes that covers the topics of probability rules, addition rules, multiplication rules, independent events, dependent events, conditional probability, counting techniques, and guide on which method to apply to probability questions.
Achieved 104% on Exam #1 for elementary statistics (extra credit points included in grade). Highest score on exam. Summarized points from eText on MyLab Statistics with Pearsons Education and class notes from Math119 with Professor Quan covering Chapter 1-3. Efficient and pretty handwritten notes on elementary statistics that covers the topics of variables, biases, observational studies, types of samples, designed experiments, types of graphs, types of tables, mean, skewed data, grouped data, di...
Chapter 31: Drug Therapy for Male Reproductive Problems (Workman & LaCharity: Understanding Pharmacology: Essentials for Medication Safety, 2nd Edition)
Pharmacology Final Exam Solution Guide
Chapter 26: Drug Therapy for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases (Workman & LaCharity: Understanding Pharmacology: Essentials for Medication Safety, 2nd Edition)
Pharmacology Final Exam Solution Guide
Chapter 25: Drug Therapy for Seizures (Workman & LaCharity: Understanding Pharmacology: Essentials for Medication Safety, 2nd Edition)
Pharmacology Final Exam Solution Guide