U.S History since 1877
Rose State College
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U.S History since 1877
- Class notes • 23 pages • 2022
- $15.99
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These are the class notes/lecture notes for the course: U.S History since 1877. There are 22 pages of detailed notes. These include dates from events that happened in1877 and events all throughout the 1900s/1960s etc.

Topics included:


Great War

brief notes on the Holy Roman empire

and so on...
Class notes
U.S History since 1877
Last document update:
These are the class notes/lecture notes for the course: U.S History since 1877. There are 22 pages of detailed notes. These include dates from events that happened in1877 and events all throughout the 1900s/1960s etc. 
Topics included: 
Great War 
brief notes on the Holy Roman empire 
and so on...
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