CH 337 (CH337)
University of Oregon
Here are the best resources to pass CH 337 (CH337). Find CH 337 (CH337) study guides, notes, assignments, and much more.
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Organic Chemistry Intro to Lab Techniques
- Class notes • 11 pages • 2025
- $12.99
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This document provides a comprehensive review of all labs performed in a 10 week organic chemistry lab course. It includes a general lab safety overview, a review of techniques including melting point, IR spectrometry analysis, recrystallization and/or purification of an unknown compound, distillation, rotovap use, GCMS chromatography, and C NMR data. It also includes general post lab questions.
Class notes
Organic Chemistry Intro to Lab Techniques
Last document update:
This document provides a comprehensive review of all labs performed in a 10 week organic chemistry lab course. It includes a general lab safety overview, a review of techniques including melting point, IR spectrometry analysis, recrystallization and/or purification of an unknown compound, distillation, rotovap use, GCMS chromatography, and C NMR data. It also includes general post lab questions.
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Make study stress less painful
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Study stress? For sellers on Stuvia, these are actually golden times. KA-CHING! Earn from your study resources too and start uploading now. Discover all about earning on Stuvia