University Of Phoenix
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Test bank clinical nursing skills and techniques 9th edition anne griffin perry patricia a potter wendy ostendorf
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2023
- $10.00
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. Evidence-based practice is a problem-solving approach to making decisions about patient 
care that is grounded in: 
a. the latest information found in textbooks. 
b. systematically conducted research studies. 
c. tradition in clinical practice. 
d. quality improvement and risk-management data. 
The best evidence comes from well-designed, systematically conducted research studies 
described in scientific journals. Portions of a textbook often become outdated by the time it 
is published...

Exam (elaborations) NURSING HCS/510 Test bank Social Psychology and Human Nature Brief 4th Edition.
- Exam (elaborations) • 130 pages • 2021
- $13.99
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Exam (elaborations) NURSING HCS/510 Test bank Social Psychology and Human Nature Brief 4th Edition.

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