California University Of Pennsylvania
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Latest notes & summaries California University Of Pennsylvania
to cast off or relinquish. Usually regarding a position of power. 
Synonyms: resign, denounce, relinquish 
Ex: I want to abdicate the responsibility to deal with this act because of a conflict of interest. I believe this is the right choice in order for this to be addressed in an appropriate manner. 
A state or condition markedly different from the norm. 
Synonyms: strange, unusual, divergent, deviant 
Ex: The officer witnessed the suspect drift between lanes wh...
additional object; useful but not essential thing 
v. To charge with wrong doing, misconduct, or error. 
to find not guilty of a fault or crime 
release from blame 
A sworn written statement 
an excuse that shows someone was not at a crime scene 
To assert without proof 
a hearing in which a suspect is charged and pleads guilty or not guilty 
illegal burning of prop...
Only his TENACIOUS grip enabled him to hang onto the sheer cliff face. 
A. Lively 
B. Fragile 
C. Persistent 
D. Complicated 
The story seemed CREDIBLE but the investigators still needed to follow up on it. 
A. amazing 
B. believable 
C. dirty 
D. crumply 
Only the most PARTISAN supporters of the team believed the coach's story. 
A. ignorant 
B. uninterested 
C. festive 
D. supporter 
The PREMISE of the movie was that time travel had become common and affordable...
Writing Test 
Consists of: Clarity, Spelling, Vocabulary 
Reading Test 
Consists of: Reading Comprehension & Cloze 
Clarity (C1) 
15 Questions 
Spelling (S) 
15 Questions 
Vocabulary (V) 
20 Questions 
Reading Comprehension (RC) 
20 Questions 
Cloze Test (Cz) 
40 Questions 
Total Number of Questions 
Highest Value per question 
Clarity, Spelling, Vocab (1.24 Each) 
Lowest Value per Question 
Cloze (0.6 Each) 
Medium Value 
Reading ...
Kenneth felt "APATHETIC" in his employment so he decided to quit his job and go to law school. 
Hank was drunk and "Belligerent"" because his wife left him. 
After years of daily observing people int he worst situations of their lives, Austins 's behavior became "Callous." 
Lucy was nervous, but she did not want "Hinder" her daughter's dream of becoming a police officer. 
Clyde was "LUCID" when he told the paramedics...
A. The recidivism rate for older criminals was much higher than for younger criminals. 
B. The recidivism rate for older criminals was much higher than younger. 
A. Denise remembered with a start. That she had forgotten to lock her house door. 
B. Denise remembered with a start that she had forgotten to lock her house door. 
A. The officer were involved in bringing the chase to a successful conclusion. 
B. The officer brought the case to a successful conclusion. 
A. Of...
(v.) to cast off, renounce, or relinquish 
departing from an accepted standard; diverging from the normal type 
(adj.) sunk to a low condition or in miserable circumstances 
(v.) do away with 
(v.) accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation) 
(v.) lessen, diminish, or curtail; reduce in scope while retaining essential elements 
shorten (a piece of writing) without losing the sense. 
A. Julie was happy to get back to her life after the trial she felt she received justice 
B. Julie was happy to get back to her life after the trial. She felt she received justice. 
B. Julie was happy to get back to her life after the trial. She felt she received justice.(answer a is a run on sentence) 
A. Marge told Ruth Marge's supervisor wanted to speak with Ruth. 
B. Marge told Ruth that Marge's supervisor wanted to speak with her. 
A. Marge told Ruth that Marge's supervisor wan...
identify the sentence which is most clearly written 
a. The officer was hoping to get a new partner, one that had a great deal of experience. 
b. The officer was hoping to get a new partner. One that had a great deal of experience. 
identify the sentence which is most clearly written 
a. Bullet fragments were gathered by officers in envelopes. 
b. Bullet fragments were gathered in envelopes by officers. 
identify the sentence which is most clearly written 
a. The suspect ...
Exam 1 Clinical Psych A+ Grade Review 
2023 Update 
Describe the evolution of the definition of clinical psychology from the early 1900s to 
present. - ANS-Witmer envisioned clinical psychology as a discipline with similarities to 
a variety of other fields, specifically medicine, education, and sociology. A clinical 
psychologist, therefore, was a person whose work with others involved aspects of 
treatment, education, and interpersonal issues. At his clinic, the first clients were 