Geneva College
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Latest notes & summaries Geneva College
organs of upper GI tract - ANS Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, duodenum 
gastric juices released from stomach - ANS HCl and Pepsin 
HCl - ANS hydrochloric acid; released by parietal cells in the stomach in response to food to aid in breakdown due to acidity 
Pepsin - ANS Enzyme that breaks down proteins into polypeptides in the stomach 
3 stimulators that affect release of gastric juice - ANS ACh, gastrin, histamine 
ACh (acetylcholine) - GI stimulant - ANS Food s...
M6 Exam Essentials in Nutrition 2022 Requires Respondus LockDown Browser + Webcam
2.1 INTRODUCTION → WATCH VIDEO 2.1 PART 1 Nonprescription medications, perhaps more commonly known as over-the-counter (OTC) medications, are medications that are available without a prescription and are available in most cases without restriction. There are a few medications that do not require a prescription but are kept behind the pharmacy counter and ID is required for purchase. An example of this would be any medication containing the decongestant pseudoephedrine. Pseudoephedrine when com...
A patient recently started taking a new medication; he mentions to his doctor at his next 
appointment that he has noticed his mouth is dry since starting the medication. He also 
mentions that this is not a problem, and he has managed it by increasing the amount of 
water he is drinking. What drug effect best describes the dry mouth this patient is 
Side Effect 
Adverse Effect 
Toxic Effect 
Therapeutic Effect
.1: An Introduction to Pharmacology Concepts → Watch Module 1.1 Video 1 Pharmacology is the study or science of drugs. What is a drug? A drug is any chemical that affects the physiologic processes of a living organism. Commonly, the term drug refers to any medication that is used for diagnosing, curing, or treating disease. Drug Effects Drugs have many different effects on the body including the following: (1) therapeutic effects, (2) side effects, (3) adverse effects and (4) toxic effect...
A&P II Exam Module 2 Exam Question 1 3 / 3 pts This layer of the meninges is tightly attached to the brain. Your Answer: Pia- mater Pia mater (menix) Question 2 3 / 3 pts The fissure separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum. Your Answer: The transverse fissure Transverse Question 3 4 / 4 pts Describe the function of the brain ventricles. Your Answer: Brain ventricles ARE 4 and are found inside the brain and filled with CSF. 2 laterals and 3rd and 4th ventricles all of them drain in the central...
BIOD 171 Module 3 Exam Questions And Answers (Graded 100 %) Question 7 10 / 10 pts 
5/1/22, 6:13 PM M3: Module 3 Exam - Requires Respondus LockDown Browser + Webcam: Essential Microbiology with Lab-2021-Bowman 

Label the following unmarked microscope components (numbered 
arrows) by matching it with the components provided (letters). 
A. Stage 
B. Fine Adjustment Knob 
C. Iris Diaphragm 
D. Neck 
E. Condenser Lens 
F. Eyepiece 
G. Objective 
H. Base 
I. Coaxial Controls 
This is a Microbiology Notebook 4 required by the Portage Learning for the course BIO171. It includes ALL the lab work and detailed work. Guaranteed A!