VET 110
Penn Foster College
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VET 110Medina.Kami.21970578.VET110paper. VET 110: Medical Nursing for Veterinary Technicians Research Project
- Essay • 27 pages • 2021
- $20.49
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Medical Nursing for Veterinary Technicians Veterinary technicians work as part as a healthcare team. They are supervised by veterinarians, who diagnosis disease and injury, prescribe treatments, and perform surgery on animals. Technicians then provide direct care, such as properly placing an orogastric tube in a canine patient, performing fluid administration to the feline patient via IV placement, knowing the differences between the teeth and dental prophylaxis techniques used for canines ...

VET 110VET110MedicalNursingforVeterinaryTechnicianResearchProject %283%29 (1) Vet 110: Medical Nursing for Veterinary Technician Research Project
- Summary • 15 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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Vet 110: Medical Nursing for Veterinary Technician Research Project Margaret Amin May 23, 2017 An orogastric tube is an important concept to veterinary medicine and is key to administering fluids in a timely manner to your canine patient. There are a number of reasons why an orogastric tube would be placed in your canine patient, administering medication, food, or fluids through a tube that is passed through the mouth directly into the stomach. By using this procedure, activated charcoa...

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