Peds ATI Practice A
Keiser University
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Peds ATI Practice A | DETAILED SOLUTIONS | Already Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 14 pages • 2021
- $10.99
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Peds ATI Practice A 1. A nurse is assessing the vital signs of a 10-year-old child following a burn injury. Clinical manifestation that indicate early septic shock? Temperature 39.1C (102.4F)- The n urse should identify that a temperature of 39.1° C (102.4° F) is above the expected reference range of 37° to 37.5° C (98.6° to 99.5° F) for a 10-year-old child. The nurse should expect a child who has early septic shock to have a fever and chills. 2. Assessing a school-age child immediately po...

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