Pediatric V Sim (NURS3903)
South University - Columbia
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V-Sim Care Plan Eva Madison Gastroenteritis_2020 | NURS 3903 Pediatric V-Sim Care Plan Eva Madison Gastroenteritis
- Presentation • 8 pages • 2021
- $12.99
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Pediatric V-Sim Care Plan EM 
V-Sim Pediatric Nursing Care Plan 
Eva Madison Gastroenteritis 
Stockton University 
Camryn Kaenzig 
Background Information and Growth and Development 
The virtual simulation introduced the patient Eva Madison, a five-year-old Caucasian female diagnosed with dehydration upon admission to the emergency department. Eva’s mother, Heather Madison, brought her to the emergency department after a three-day long episode of vo...
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